۱۳۸۵ اسفند ۲۱, دوشنبه

آوین بیست سال بعد

فکر کن حادثه‌ تکرار شده.. البته نه عین آن.... بلکه چیزی به تناسب سن و قدرت جسمی و روحی یک انسان بیست ساله... رفتار و عوارض دیگر همان نیست... افسردگی... ترحم‌ خواهی... تنفر از زندگی... مقایسه خود با دیگران... عقل معاش اندیش... سود و زیان... ترازنامه... معادلات... محاسبات...

هر چه می‌گذرد.. کودک ما از جامعه و دور و بر خود یاد می‌گیرد که شورزندگی را بدهد و سهمی از زندگی بخواهد..


۴ نظر:

ah گفت...

یاد کتاب " دنیای صوفی" افتادم


Anna گفت...

Hi, Peyman
I'm not iranian, but actually learning the language and in April I will go to Iran.
I just want to thank you HERE (!) for your reasonable and logic comments in Kamangir's Blog on the idiotic movie 300. I haven't seen it and I won't. But I know, that's the way "Hollywood" and most americans looks at the histories of the world and at the world itself. Just another kind of Fox-News-Style "education" etc.

Well, once again, thanks for your comments in the mentioned Blog. I long time since have stopped to say there anything. For it could just be oppositional to the specific focus in a "hotair-ventilator"-style "reigning" in that blog. Never ever one single word there about the desastrous US-policies and politicians, but watching every slightest move of a Mullah or of course Ahmadinejad. And "opposition" there in that blog is absolutely not welcomed and as a principle (!) it seems. There is no reason to glorify Iran, but as well (!) there's no reason to permanently deride it and its people. It's disgusting in some way to me and I don't know the "motivation" for such "energy" ... the more so, as such endeavouring has not the slightest impact for a change to better. But is just supporting ignorant, disparaging imaginations.

ناشناس گفت...

متاسفم که از کامنتهای شما محرومم در وبم

alireza گفت...

آخه وب شما کجاس که من کامنتهامو بزارم توش؟